Tempest Set Up Guide
Log into the Jane’s Weather website, then click on your name / profile picture on the upper right-hand corner to access [Account Settings].
Select the [Weather Stations] tab, and under “Add Weather Station,” select “Connect my current weather station.”
Proceed to fill in the following fields:
- Weather Station Name: The weather station name you’d like to use in Jane’s Weather.
Example: The Lake
- Weather Station Provider: The brand of your weather station.
Example: Tempest
To properly populate the next two fields, log in to the Tempest WEB app and go to Settings > Data Authorisations > Create Token.
- Station ID / UUID / Tenant ID: Enter your Station Name here, which is whatever you have named your device in Tempest.
Example: Lakeside_Paddock_3
- API Key / Key 2: Copy your Tempest API Token obtained from the Tempest website.
Example: 54654135465435434hgfgfghh4j6f45j3645
Click [Save Changes]. The station will appear as ‘pending’. This ‘pending’ notification will change to ‘ready’ once your weather station has been integrated to optimise your forecast. Once integrated into your profile, you'll be able to view real-time observations on your NOW page, access forecasts tailored to this weather station's microclimate, and set custom thresholds and notifications for it.
Allow time for your microclimate to appear as ready as the machine learning adapts the forecast to your conditions.