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Jane's Weather has a new look in December 2024

Jane's Weather has a new look this month!
You can now find the weekly updates from Jane, plus new blog posts, our feature updates, our help centre and lots of customer stories about how they are making the most of the weather with us, at Jane's Update.
These blog posts and help centre articles will feature lots of helpful content soon, to help you understand more about how we can help you navigate the weather in your business.
We're also rolling out:
- improved calculations for wet weather icons - now the icon only shows wet conditions if most models agree on rainfall at that time step, reducing the over forecasting of rain
- improved calculations for thunderstorms - we consider indices like K-index, Lifted Index and CAPE when predicting the risk of storms. Future advances will consider shear etc to help predict the severity of storms too
- in your email notifications we now have the rainfall range, showing the spread of potential outcomes from the lowest model to the highest model. When these numbers are close together (ie 4 to 7 mm) then firstly, all models are forecasting rain, and they all fall within that short range, indicating high confidence in this potential rainfall. When these numbers are far apart (ie 0 to 25 mm) then firstly, not all models have rain, at least one doesn't have any at all, and the range is vast indicating low confidence in this potential rainfall.
Great new features at Jane's Weather in November 2024
- The UV index has been extended out the full ten days
- Fog is found on the Forecast page, both in the threat toolbox (see the daily hour by hour details at a glance by clicking [more info] on that day in the left hand summary) and in the hour by hour day at the bottom underneath the cloud levels

- You can display our forecasts on your own site using our widgets. Please contact sales for customisations.

- The snow column has finally been removed in our email notifications! This proved to be a tricky problem and we are very glad that it has now finally been solved. When snow is actually on the forecast the snow column will automatically reappear.
- We are in the process of converting rain (and snow) projections to the range rather than just a single value. This will display the range of potential rainfall from the driest to the wettest weather model guidance to make sure you are aware of the complete range of predictions.
- We also have our percentage Chance of Precipitation in our email notifications too.
- And lastly, here is a preview of our maps which are soon to launch:

Loading notification, Add your weather stations, Machine Learning (ML) forecast

Welcome to Jane's Weather PRO Beta!
We have the following features ready for you now:
- Once you have accepted the terms of our PRO Beta you will be able to add your weather stations into the system. Under Locations you can upload information about your own weather station, request help installing a new one, or connect to your nearest BoM weather station. It will say "Pending" until we have connected it.
- When the station data has been ingested in our system, the PRO Forecast will have learned from your observations. It takes a few days to work through and adapt to the history (if it is not a brand new weather station). There will be minor improvements in the first few days, and then it should get better and better as each day passes by.
- As this process takes a bit longer (this is a lot of data to compute!) the loading of the forecast can take 10-15 seconds. So we've added some handy messaging to let you know that it is processing and not stuck.
A few tips/known bugs:
- There may occasionally be very strange numbers (ie temp -65C, wind 4000km/h - you'll know it when you see it!). This bug is known to us and we are working hard to fix it asap. Please try again in a few minutes to get the proper data (it caches to stop excessive waiting, but means the bug caches too).
- The new forecast powers the PRO Forecast Graph and your Alerts on the web platform. The old Consensus forecast is still used in your email alerts and on our app at this stage. We are working on getting the emails switched over first.
New features nearly ready to land:
- Email notifications using the new forecast
- Our at a glance threat Toolbox - a daily snapshot to help you easily plan your operations
- Our NOW page! Observations, history and the next few hours forecast - all in one.
- Android app!
- Android and Apple apps using the new PRO forecast.
23 Jan: Bug fix, pending weather stations

- we have a new Jane's Weather PRO logo!
- the very strange numbers bug has a fix (ie no more -65C temperatures or 4000km/h winds) - but if you do see something strange please let us know: email
- once you enter your weather station details into the system it will take us a while at this early stage to ingest all the data and hook them up to your account - but please bear with us! You know it is ready when "Pending" has been removed.
Development plan moving forward:
- NOW page with your weather station current observations (so you can confirm it is working)
- Email notifications to be the new Advanced Consensus (rather than the standard Consensus)
- At a glance threat Toolbox - a summary of everything you need to know for each day
2 Feb: PRO model every 2.5 hours, email notifications, rain/snow summary

- the new PRO Consensus learns from your observations every 2.5 hours (an upgrade from once a day)
- BoM's server fail last night meant no run of their model twice - and we've sent a bug fix for the apple app to handle that if it happens again
- android app is waiting for approval - not far away!
- email notifications for PRO are a button for now, but we are working on getting the data into the email for you
- on the graph page, the summary on the side now has just the consensus forecast for rain and snow (rather than the range across all the models). This was asked for by many users - but if you still want the range you can see it up the top of each day
6 March: Better clouds, winds and storms, Free trial available for PRO Beta Users

There have been lots of updates over the past month!
PRO Beta:
- Free trial now available for Business - select this to be ready to use all of PRO's features
- Weather update email notifications now use our new Advanced Consensus (but the specialised alerts aren't in email form yet - click the button to see them live)
- When you enter your weather station details do rest assured that they are ingested into our Machine Learning environment - the 'pending' notification will be removed soon(!) and we are nearly ready to show you your observations under the NOW tab :)
- a bulk upload option is in development and will be ready soon
- we will soon have weather station locations (with a nice name that you get to choose), and additional locations (for spots you need to keep an eye on but don't have an infrastructure)
- We have improved wind gusts for elevated locations (including all the alpine resorts) - but not quite at the very peaks yet ie above 1900m (a fix is in progress)
- Incredibly strong winds in cyclones have also had a fix - please let us know if you see any strange data during the trial.
- Sign up for a demo with one of our friendly consultants, and we can help set your weather stations and locations up, and ensure you make the most of our alerts and notifications powered by our Advanced Consensus hyper-local forecast.
Regular updates:
- Alert notification emails are back up and running as of tonight - the gremlins that stopped them being sent over the past few days have been sorted
- Our Canada model now has low, medium and high clouds (not just total cloud). A cloud visualisation tool (like we have with temperature, rain and winds) will soon be available on the forecast worm
- Our storm calculations have been improved to include a variable called K-index, giving you a much better indication of when storms are a risk in your area. We've also adjusted the icons to show that showers are "in the area" and storms are "a risk" to make the messaging more clear
- An hour by hour UV index is finally working, and will be available to you soon
- The snow column will soon be hidden from the summary if there is no snow in your outlook :)
- Our long range maps of the Pacific and Indian Ocean are back up and running
4 April: Now is up and running along with our threat toolbox

April is here and we have lots of great features to show you in Jane's Weather PRO!!
- Locations have been separated into 'Weather Stations' and 'Additional Town Locations'
- In your list of Weather Stations you can
- mark one as your favourite that will load first every time and power your super alert (super alert is changing to this station over the next week)
- delete a station from your list
- edit a station name (and other details about it by contacting support - self service coming soon)
- the 'pending' badge will change to 'ready' when your observations have been ingested and the station has been linked to your account - and the station will appear in your personal list
- you can now set up alerts featuring your weather stations - the drop down list is your personal list, and anywhere else you would like to search for
- Locations are now your personal list of town locations, in addition to your weather stations (useful for other places you need to keep an eye on, but don't have a weather station for)
- Click NOW and you will find current observations plus the extremes of the day for each of your personal weather stations (once they are marked as 'Ready'). History is coming soon
- On the FORECAST page there is now our handy Threat Toolbox located in 'more info' the the left hand summary. Storms, rain, temperature, wind, spraying and frost are covered. Use it as a quick day by day glance to see your threats in an instant. The notifications bell shows you each variable for the week ahead - this is all the problems/opportunities you face day by day
- Sign up for a demo with one of our friendly consultants, and we can help set your weather stations and locations up, and ensure you make the most of our alerts and notifications powered by our Advanced Consensus hyper-local forecast.
27 April: Cloud visualisation and the all new Euro model

April is nearly over and we have some great new features to show you in Jane's Weather PRO!!
- Up the top of the graph you will now find our cloud visualisation. A representation of how much of the sky will be covered in cloud, separated into high, mid and low cloud. You can read more about it in our Help Centre.
- Drum roll please... the super deluxe version of the Euro model is here! This is the high resolution version of their top performing model, with a resolution of ~9km - the highest resolution now available at Jane's Weather. This is the gold standard in weather forecasting across the globe and it updates four times daily (an hour earlier than the lower resolution version we were using). This new and improved Euro is now going into our machine learning model behind the scenes, with improvements to the PRO Consensus due soon.
- Not on PRO yet? What are you waiting for! Start a free, no obligation trial of our PRO membership today. If you are already a Founding Member, Premium or Business subscriber and we haven't transferred you to PRO yet - please get in touch and we'll quickly sort it out.
- Don't forget you can sign up for a demo with one of our friendly consultants. We can help set your weather stations and locations up, and ensure you make the most of our alerts and notifications powered by our Advanced Consensus hyper-local forecast.
29 July: New features at Jane's Weather in July

July is nearly over and we have some great new features to show you in Jane's Weather PRO!!
- On the Now page (where you find the latest observations, the days extremes and a 72 hour history), we now have history graphs for wind, rain and delta-t (plus the original graph: temperature)
- Everyone has had their nearest BoM station added to their station list. Configure your list to be all the spots you need - and once they are in your list, you can get a forecast for them and set alert notification for them too. Click the help link for guidance on connecting your own weather station
- Update to the latest version of the app, to see all your favourite features from the web in the app! We have the cloud visualisation, now page, your weather stations driving your forecasts and notifications and much more
- We made some adjustments to our frost calculations and fixed a few bugs around daily temperatures
- Not on PRO yet? What are you waiting for! Start a free, 30 day no obligation trial of our PRO membership now.
- Don't forget you can sign up for a demo with one of our friendly consultants. We can help set your weather stations and locations up, and ensure you make the most of our alerts and notifications powered by our Advanced Consensus, AI Powered, hyper-local forecast.
31st August: New features at Jane's Weather in August 2024

Here are the great new features we rolled out in Jane's Weather PRO in August!
- On the forecast page, on the left hand summary, we now feature icons. The night icons are from 6pm to 6am, and the day icons from 6am to 6pm.
- While you are there check out our Threat Toolbox (click 'more info') which has Storm risk, Rain or Snow, Temperature, Wind Gusts, Spraying Conditions and Frost Risk - plus Snow Level for any of our alpine locations.
- Our Spraying Forecast is your complete forecast solution as it considers delta-t, wind speed, inversions, temperature, rainfall and cloud cover, specifically adjusted to your hyper local conditions. Found in your super alert, or set up a custom alert notification.
- The UV Index is now available! Take note when the index is 3 and above as that is when sun protection is recommended - and don't forget that it has nothing to do with how hot or sunny it is, UV is all about the position of the sun in the sky (getting higher as we go into summer and lower as we head towards winter). You can find the UV index:
- hour by hour in the data underneath the forecast graph/worm (available now)
- in your super alert notifications (due week commencing 9th September)
- in a custom alert where you set the threshold you care about (due week commencing 9th September)

- Chance of rain is now available! It's a Percentage Chance of Precipitation and that shows you how many of the weather models are forecasting any wet weather at that time step. If you have 60 or 80 % that shows you there is high confidence in wet weather, but the 20 or 40 % also shows you that there may be some in the area, but not everyone is on board. You may see 20 or 40 % shown when there is no rain bar - that means showers that are enough to be annoying but not enough to add up to much in the rain gauge.

- UV and PoP are not on the app yet - always use the browser version for the latest features
- Not on PRO yet? What are you waiting for! Start a free, 30 day no obligation trial of our PRO membership now.
- Don't forget you can sign up for a demo with one of our friendly consultants. We can help set your weather stations and locations up, and ensure you make the most of our alerts and notifications powered by our AI Powered, hyper-local forecast. Don't be surprised by the weather, take advantage of it!
Coming soon:
- Accuracy Check - see what we were forecasting and how it compared to your observations. This will show you the increased accuracy you get from relying on our AI Forecast
- Choose your weather station or an additional location for your super alert (it is currently your favourite location)