Your preferences: Account Settings | Membership | Locations | Alert Notifications | User Settings
If you added a profile photo of yourself during the sign up process, click on that in the top right of every screen to go into your account settings.
Here you can set up your User Profile, Membership, Locations, Alerts and Settings.
- User Profile: Here you have your name, email and password connected with the account. Let us know a bit more about how we can help you by filling in the questionnaire.
- Membership: Select a membership level - Free, Premium, Snow Season or Business. This notes if you were a Foundation Member (thank you!) and the benefits of signing up with us early.
- Locations: Here you can set your favourite location (the one with a yellow star). Enter any spot recognised by Google in Australia. Paying subscribers can list multiple locations.
- Alerts and Notifications: Here you can select weather variables and insights that matter to you. Set notifications for frost, spraying, evapotranspiration, growing degree days, snow, rain, comfort index and many more. We are putting together packages specifically for different areas of farming, construction, mining, snow sports - let us know if we've missed something and we'll add it to the list to develop. When an alert is triggered you can find the information under the notification bell.
- Settings (coming soon): Set your preferred zoom levels, units, what appears on/off and more. Make Jane's Weather work exactly how you like it best.