Alert feature: Spraying conditions forecast
Jane's Weather can provide insights on when conditions are likely to be rated good for spraying chemicals on your farm.
Set up a personalised spraying forecast for your unique locations under alerts and notifications, or see it in the 'super alert' daily email for your favourite location.

Our calculations take into account the wind, delta-t and inversion potential for you:
- Delta T between 2.0-7.9C,
- Wind speed between 3-15km/h,
- Cloud less than 50%,
- Temperature less than 28C,
- no Rain
and provide an hour by hour outlook on when conditions are likely to be suitable for spraying over the next 10 days. Every hour that is highlighted blue shows you when conditions could be suitable.

Our Spraying Conditions forecast is available for all Premium, Business and Snow Season subscribers (including Founding Members). Check your membership for availability.