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Welcome to Jane's Weather!
You have gained access to a forecast that combines multiple global weather models, applies machine learning and artificial intelligence, and makes sure that you have the latest information at your fingertips.
Our full forecasts show hourly conditions for the next ten days, with insights to improve management of your resources and boost your yield:
- icon
- temperature
- wind speed, gust and direction
- rain or snow
- cloud cover
- feels like
- dew point
- snow level
Along with insights on:
- frost risk
- delta t and spraying conditions
- storm risk
- frost risk
- evapotranspiration
- growing degree days
I recommend the following three steps to get started:
1. Set up your weather stations
2. Set up your additional locations
Type in a few letters and set your favourite location from anywhere in Australia.
3. Check the forecast
The full experience with multiple models side by side for easy comparison, for paying subscribers
Within the main screen we have the following:
- The AI Forecast loads first. Traditional models are also available under the model selector.
- The summary of all days is shown on the left (click the blue and white bars on mobile) and up the top of each day. Click 'more info' to see the threat toolbox.
- Within the forecast area:
- the 'worm' shows the temperature for each hour, along with the weather icon
- at the bottom of the graph, bars show the potential rain or snow for each hour
- under that we have the wind speed and gust, and the direction the wind blows from
- at the very bottom, all the variables are listed for the current forecast hour
- Move forward in time either by play/pause, tapping left or right arrows (or keys on your keyboard), or jump forward by tapping the timeline bar. Tap near the centre of the timeline bar for a small jump, tap further away for a bigger jump. The pink vertical line shows the current forecast hour
- See articles our help centre for more!
4. Keep up to date with Jane's Update
I write the following:
- Snow Forecast. Commentary by Jane updated daily during the season. Snow forecasts for each resort automatically updated 14 times a day all year.
- Rain Forecast. Day by day Australia wide maps of potential rain.
- Seasonal Update: My weekly commentary on the Pacific (ENSO La Nina/El Nino), Indian (Indian Ocean Dipole), SAM (low pressure), and MJO (a pulse of tropical energy) climate drivers, as well as projections on rain and temperature in the weeks and months ahead.
Once again, thanks for joining us.
If there is anything I can help you with, please get in touch.